HELMET & PROTECTIVE GOGGLES Off -road full-face helmet is recommended. The lighter it is, the less strain there will be on your neck muscles. The goggles are equipped with a double lens that doesn't fog up as easily when you sweat, and protect your eyes on the forest tracks.
NECK BRACE The aim is to minimize the risk of injuries on the neck spine in case of serious falls.
MOTOCROSS GLOVES are best for off-road riding. Gloves with carbon fiber knuckle protection are recommended.
A classic FULL ARMOR protects your chest, shoulders, back and elbows offering peace of mind against crash damage during any type of riding. Over the armor wear a CROSS SHIRT and, depending on the weather, a vest or a jacket.
CROSS-TROUSERS of synthetic materials are robust and yet lightweight. Hip padding is recommended.
KNEE BRACES provide ultimate protection and stability, without limiting mobility. An absolute must have!
OFFROAD BOOTS have prevented more than a few foot and ankle injuries. A smooth sole helps steady you when drifting.
BELT BAG or/and BACKPACK provide extra storage for personal things and must-have tools (Tire repair kit, Leatherman Multi-tool, spark plug). Two-stroke riders should carry some oil with them. Always carry something to drink, a wind stopper jacket, your driving license, and some cash in the local currency for stops at the village pub.